
?qw- ,

a new administration would be coming in and~ls
aspect also
The preliminary reportj~ Congress would
must be considered.
submitted at a
signal that something more definitive would~”
later date. She stated that as soon as OMB~learance
be obtained on any proposed preliminary re~
that woul~h:O
to Congress, copies would be provided to p~icipants:
reminded representatives that DOI is not the;controlllng
in releasing this type of report.
Mr. Mitchell (Enewetak) in closing, brought~~i the matter ‘f
DOI had not
“other affected atolls” again and wonderedk~y
moved as yet on setting up a method of cri~~a.
.:*, ,

Meeting closed at approximately
- -.1 3


1:15 p.m. ti_@ reminder that
to clrj~e of business on

Select target paragraph3