Aemiral { Lanont ®a¢h

mn belmalf of tie


December 3, 1953

tomle cnergy Comission, I wish to a<press to ou

our creat .occraci tion for tnaq aany courtesies and Lie reat

coopuraticn wiic’. naa vecn extended te 18 Uy “aptaln iellum and
mongers af ais staff. IT aa very such aware that this suostantial

effort has been iclertaren oy “ha proup at NBHI dn acddtion to other
very vuracsins duties. 7 feel cartuin that without the benefit a
the axperdence avi cormeteice of this oroup of Haval selontists tae

dblomedical amerim nts would not hive vesen feasible in th pattern
it was vonsible to uate

cinceraly yours,

Joann C,

dizher, Here

“avision of Molory ana redicine

Captain fellum, “SHRI

Ure Paul Mevantel, "25



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