straight for an appteciable time the log-log decay slope was determined
graphically. The decay slopes for all of the samples are summarized in
Table 3.7. They are tabulated for three time ranges: early times are
up to 4 days after detonstion; medium times are 4 to 9 days; and late
times are after 9 days.

In the 9 to 30-day period the solid fraction decay was generally
more rapid than the original sample. The ultrafiltrate decayed more
slowly than the original. The colloidal fraction usually decayed more
slowly than the ultrafiltrate,
The decay curves of the various fractions diverged more for

islemd shot samples than those for the barge shot samples, The solid
fraction from island shot samples decayed et about the same rate as the
originel slurry, while with the barge shot samples the ultrafiltrete

decayed like the original slurry. These results are logical in view of
the gross distribution of the gamma activity between the liquid and
solid phases for the two types of shot.

Gamma Energy Distribution of Physical State Fractions

Lead absorption curves were taken on samples for Shots 1 and 2.
The curve for the 2-Ad4 sample on Shot 2 was taken at two times. Some of
the curves are shown in Figs. 3.5 through 3.7. All fractions vere nor-

malized to a count of .1000 at zero thickness of lead absorber for better


The absorption curve of eech fraction was analyzed into three

component energies and the percentage of each component was determined
by weighting the "zero-alsorber" count rate of each component energy by
the relative photon efficiency as taken from Fig. 2.1. The results are

tabulated in Table 3.8. It may *e noted that the average gamma energy
of the "colloidal" fraction was consistently higher for both surface
island and surface water shot samples, whereas the solid and ionic fractions show large differences in relative amount of each component and
average energy.

This agair lends support to the argument that selective

absorption occurred on the ultrafiltrate.

The low energy components

range from 145 to 180 kev, the medium from 320 to 485 kev, and the high

from 1620 to 1620 kev,
The fractions of the three "apparent" gamma energies from the

solid fraction of Shot 1 sample (1-251.03) were similar to those for the

original sample.

In addition, the ultrafiltrate (ionic) fraction had a

higher percentage of the highest energy gemmas then did the solid fraction, while the colloidal fraction had a still hipher percentage of high
energy gammas,


The order of average energy was colloidal > ionic >

The 1-251.02 sample fractions were somewhat different; both the

decay and the lead absorvtion show very little frectionetion of gamma

emitting isotoves between the solid and the ionic fractions. However,
the comparison of average energies amceng the nhysical state fractions of

any sample is not as reliable an indicator of fractionation as is the
comperison of the percentage of the high energy component among the fractions, The latter depends uron the observed count at high absorber
thicknesses while the former depends upon slopes extrapolated from 2 or
3 points,

For the Shot 2 sample (2-A4) absorption curve of the solid

Select target paragraph3