centreted by evaporation. Yurthermore, for three of the shots the

‘gamples were not received until 3 to 6 days after detonation and even
oe the fourth shot the fallout sample was not received at the site
Jaboretory until late in the day after the detonation,

For these reasons, the characterization of the fallout itself in

many respects was not achieved,

However, it is doubtful whether a coa-

‘plete characterization of fallout material from some of the shots would
igve been feasible even with satisfactory collection methods, Accorj
to some eyewitness reports, it would appear that the fallout frea

t 1 (at least at distances of the order of 30 to 50 miles fros ground

) consisted of dry particles, while that from Shot 2, at the same
‘Gistances appeared to consist of a fine aerosol which in itself would
‘produce practically negligible volume in the collector bottles (some

eollector bottles were, in fact, dry). For Shot 4 early, invisible fall-

wut arrived on the YAG 39.

In sumery, it should be borne in mind that the results of sone

of the following analyses ani experiments do not apply to material as it
actually fell at the collection sites, but rather to the total sampled

gaterial as received at the site laboratory and which in the majority of
eases underwent important changes before it could be examined. This
‘gpplies especially to the physical state separations and chemical states

ef Np and I.



This part of the investigation sought to separate the fallout

material recovered as an aqueous suspension into three fractions:

eolloidal, and solid, and then to determine the distribution of the


gamma omitting activity and also the distribution of inactive elements
among the three fractions.
The solid fraction was defined as that material which was removed

by centrifugation for 15 min at 2500 RPM (980 g).

The ionic fraction

was defined as that part of the supernatant which passed through a
cellophane ultrafilter membrane of pore size 12 to 40 As the colloidal

fraction was that part which was stopped by the sembrane.

Physical Treatment of Samples

A 10 to 16 ml aliquot was taken from the original sample with
rapid stirring. 4 volumetric’ pipette with its tip broken off to sample
the suspended particles was used in this sampling. The slurry aliquot
Was placed directly in a weighed, graduated cone-point centrifuge tube,
which was then reweighed to obtain both the weight and the volume of the
sample. In addition, an aliquot of the original slurry was taken with a
micropipet whenever possible for gamma counting; for samples with appreecieble quantities of suspended solida the aliquot for gamma counting was
taken from the acidified material used in the neptunium procedure.

The slurry sample was centrifuged for 10 min at 2500 RPh. The
pH of the supernatant was measured immediately, A small aliquot of the
supernatant was taken for a gamma count and a 5- or 10-ml aliquot was

Placed in an ultrafilter,

The ultrafilter was a modification of one

Select target paragraph3