that the radioactive constituents can comprise as much as 0.01 per cent
of the total fallout. Hence, most of the properties of the contaminant

except the radiation characteristics will be essentially determined by
the inactive elements, Therefore, emphasis wes placed on determining

the states of the inactive constituents and the states of a few impor~

tant gamma emitting elements,

Proof Testing Atomic Warfare Countermeasures for Ships
There has been extensive laboratory and field scale development

work on atomic warfare (AW) countermeasures for ships.2/ Project 6.4
tested the washdown system at CASTLE and corducted decontamination
operations on the ships used in the operation. Since the contamination
found from certain of the shots of CASTLE differed from either real or
simulated contaminants previously studied, detailed knowledge of the
properties of the contaminant was needed for interpreting these results.
Information on the rate of radioactive decay, gross gamma energy
spectrum, and the ratio of beta to gamma rediation was furnished by

Project 2.68.

Select target paragraph3