Step 4.

Evaporate filtrate to 2 ml.

Add 25 ml of zine uranyl

acetate reagent (see Note 3). Allowto digest with intermittent stirring
for 4 to 5 min. Filter. Wash 5 times with small portion of sinc uranyl
acetate, Wash twice with 2 to 3 ml of ethyl alcohol (see Note 3). Use
2 to 3 ml of hot dil. HCl to wash the precipitate into a 50-mul centrifuge tube. Cool in ice bath.

Add 5 mg Ce* + 5 mg K*.

Step 5.

Then add 15 ml of zinc uranyl

acetate reagent for 15 min, Centrifuge, and discard supernatant. Wasb
precipitate 2 times with 5 a] of n-propyl alcohol. After washing, slurry

precipitate in 10 mi of n-propyl] alcohol and precipitate NaCl with BC1
gas (see Kote 4).
. Filter on a weighed filter paper disc in a small filter
tower, and wash 3 tines with 5 ml of n-propyl alcohol. Dry the precipitate
at 110°C for 10 min, weigh as NaCl, and mount on a counting disc.



1. Unless otherwise noted, all solutions are to be kept in an
ice bath during the entire procedure,
2. It my be necessary to repeat the centrifugation 2 to 3
times to assure complete precipitation of cesium and silica,
3. Z4dno uranyl acetate reagent was saturated with sodium zinc
uranyl acetate; n-propyl alcohol was saturated with NaCl; ethyl alcohol
was saturated with sodium sinc uranyl acetate.
filtered into a fresh container before using.



These solutions were

Gas flow was continued for 10 min.





Potassium is first separated with the alkali metal fraction obtained from 0.5N-HCl elution of the cation resin colum (see socium pro-


Purification is then accomplished by the following prccedure,.




To 2 ml of the alkali metal fraction add 1 ml of Ca’

ml of K* (10 mg/ml) and 10 al of 6N-HCl in a 50-ml centri-

fuge tube, Add 0.5 ml of 0.13 M silicowolframic acid and allow to stand
with occasional stirring for 5 min. Centrifuge and wash precipitate
twice with 5 ml of 6N-HC1. In a 100-ml beaker combine washes with supernatant and discard precipitate. Add 2 drops of silicowolframic acid.
If precipitate forms repeat centrifugation and washes. Repeat until the

formation of a precipitate is no longer observed.

Step 2. On a hot plate evaporate solution to dryness. Cool and
then add approximately 5 ml of 10 per cent HCl solution. Break up lumps
of silica with a stirring rod.

tube and centrifuge,

HCl solution.

Transfer solution to a 50-ml centrifuge

Wash residue three times with 2 ml of 10 per cent

Svaporate combined centrifugate and washings by swirling

over a burner until the volume is approximately 3 ml, Cool for 2 min,
Step 3. Carefully add 5 ml of 70 per cent HCl0,. Evaporate by
swirling over a burner until dense fumes of HC10, are evolved, Cool for
5 min in air, then place in un ice bath,

To the cold solution add 15 ml

of absolute ethanol.
Step4. Filter on a weighed filter paper disc in a emall filter

Select target paragraph3