
K42 was separated from the alkali metal fraction as the KC10
Me@8 was isolated as the hig hycroxyquinolate.
0138 was precipitated as 4g%1 after removing the interfering

activities by solvent extraction.

Uranium was separated and purified by eather extraction and
deposited sy electrovlating to determine u237 and y240 ,
Np?39 was serarated and purified by oxidized fluoride - reduced
fluoride cycles and determined by electroplating,

Activities Induced in environmental Substances
Neutron induced activities in environmental matcrials were con-

sidered a possidle source of significant radiation contributors at early
times from hizh yield devices,
The nuclides considered as possible con-

tributors were jla*4, x42, 613°, and Mg“°.

In general, the determination

of most such induced activities requires an early delivery and processing

of samp”.es. In no case wis an acceptable fallout sample recovered at a
sufficiently early time to give reliable analysis for more than one in~

duced activity (Na®4), Analyses were run on Shots 2 and 3,
An upver limit was established for K42, Comnutations based

uoon this Linit are made for purposes of comparing the relative contri-

bution cf Na“
52.2 el

and Ki,

Chemical Treatment of Sanples

Only two representative samples were obtained for analyses.
From them Na24 was isolated. This was accomplished by first removing
the alkali metal fraction from the gross activity by ion exchange, Then
Na@4 was sepzrated from this fraction by a gravimetric procedure, The
alkali fraction contained approximately 10 per cent of the total activity
of the gross sample, Decontamination of Na 4 from Csl37 was done by a
preliminary separation of cesium silicowolframate, Rubidium activity
was not considered troublasome since all the significant rubidium acti-

vities formed in fission are short-lived (18 min or less) // Interference
of potassium was found to be negligible because of its relatively low


In the procedure used for the isolation of na24, the sodium

carrier was added before the ion exchanze step.

The effluent fraction

from the column containing the sodium was trented with a solution of

saturated sodium zine uranyl acetate. The resulting precipitate was
dissolved and precipitated twice more with the same reagent. The fina)
precipitate contained 95-100 per cent as much sodium as the amount 3f
carrier added originally. However, owing to the dilution of the Na

in each precipitation step only about 3 ver cent of the active nuclide


The ion exchange step in this procedure was developed at the site when
it became apparent that the isolation step did not give adequate


fication. Several other radionuclides were fractionated in the ion 42 3
exchange treatment, Details of these studies are reported in Append


Select target paragraph3