. sample was prepared in which a Project 6.4 ion chamber was sealed and

immersed in a l-gal polyethylene bottle containing radioactive washdown
water diluted sufficiently with dilute acid to give an activity within
the operating range of the detector. The ionization decay data are
given in Table 5.3 and are plotted in Fig. 5.3, Survey meter readings
at the time indicated background within the shielding to be about 5 to 19

per cent of the room reading as measured at station 73A (Project 6.4 ion

chamber), In general, the main background source was above the chambers;
however, at + 7 hr the background increased rapidly due to higher cone
centrations of activity in the sea about the ship, With the background
source being mainly from the hull, station 73A readings would be more

affected than those of the sample since it was much nearer the hull,

Accordingly, from + 7 to + 16 hr, 5 per cent of 73A was used as a backeground correction instead of 10 per cent as was used for all other readings. 4 new chamber was set up at USNRDL to continue the decay after
return of the YAG's, The data for + 120 to + 150 days gave a decay of




The high-counting samples as well as background on the YAG 39
proved to be in the severe coincidence loss region of the geiger tube,
Before disembarking, two of the decay samples were utilized as split samples to determine the coincidence corrections at the operating counting rates, The readings are given in Table 5.4 along with the standard
and background reading, Rb for the holder. The backzround readings show
that attempts to keep the planchet holder clean were unsuccessful, Howe
ever using the ratios for shelves 3, 4, and 5, and the background readings it was possible to calculate the true background, The observed
reading was the sum of the plate contamination plus the background, or


Bra Ry


in which a” is the y to x shelf ratio, B the background, and R, the
contamination as read on shelf x. Values calculated by use of Eq. 5.1

are given in Table 5,5, The average value of B, 532 c/m, checks well
with the value, 531 c/m, when a heavy Al absorber was interposed be-

tween the holder and the tube,
The coincidence loss for the GM counter was calculated, from,

RO = R + R2p, + RT + RAT+...


in which R is the observed count, the T's are constants and R° is the

corrected count,

The constants T,, Tg and T3 were determined from the

aplit sample data.
Thus, for any set of split samples, the corrected total count
Re° s R,° + Ro® - B


after substitution for the corrected counts from Eq. 5.2, there resulted,

RytRy-Ry-B = (Ry?By?) + (ay-RyRy” )Tgt(Ry*-Ry4-RQ")T3


Select target paragraph3