Gross decay, energy spectra, and radiochemical composition of material
resulting from the various detonations were determined, Fission product
yields and neutron induced radionuclides were measured, From this infor~
mation computations were made of the extent of fractionation of the bomb
constituents and also the fraction of the bomb per unit area collected

at several fallout stations,


Beta and gamma decay were observed at the site as well as at USNRDL
with geiger counters, proportional gas-flow counters, and scintillation

Gamma ionization decay was observed on

Shot 4 in cooperation with Project 6.4.

measurements were made,


a single sample fron

Both absorption and gamma spectra

Preparation of Counting Samples
Counting sources for decay and absorption measurements were made

by taking a measured amount of the fallout material from various collectors, These fallout samples were carefully aliquoted so that the total
beta and gamma count of the fallout in the collector could be determined.
Fallout in the form of solids, or slurries containing coral was dissolved
with a minimum amount of HCl before the counting sample was taken. Liquid
fallout was sampled directly. The source for the beta counting was prepared by pipetting an aliquot of the solution onto a piece of rubber

hydrochloride plastic (2 x 2 x 0.00094 in.) which had been loosely spread
over a glass planchet (1 in. o.d. x 1/4 im. deep), This arrangement confined the solution to an area about 2 cm in diameter.

The solution was

then evaporated under an infrared lamp placed at sufficient distance to

prevent the rubber hydrochloride from melting. When the solution had
completely evaporated, the sheet containing the dried contaminant was

mounted on a stiff piece of cellulose acetate (3-5/16 x 2-1/2 x 1/32 in.)
with a 1-3/6 in, hole in the center, The rubber hydrochloride sheet

was sealed to the back of the cellulose acetate with scotch tape so that
the contaminated area was centered in the hole. Krylon plastic was
sprayed over the top of the counting sample. The Krylon tended to

Select target paragraph3