from other types of soil, not predominantly coral, might vary considerably in
chemical and physical makeup,


color and particle size.

Radioactive Hazards Associated with Fallout

Radioactive fallout may result in 3 types of exposure:
exposure from gamma radiation;

(1) whole body

(2) radiation of the skin from deposition of

fallout material thereon; and (3) the internal absorption of radioactive

Figure 3 is a rough diagramatic sketch showing the relatively

uniform distribution of fallout on the ground, houses, trees and Marshallese

The penetrating gamma radiation, which is represented by the

wavy shaded areas, penetrates many yards in air before it is attenuated

There was, of course, no neutron radiation associated with

the fallout.

Beta radiation as represented by the stippling in the figure

was completely attenuated in several feet of air.

Estimates of the beta to

gamma retio vary widely up to 150/1 depending upon the exposure conditions.
Alpha emitters were not present in the fallout to any great extent.


if significant amounts had been, due to their weak penetrating ability, they

would not likely add significantly to the skin damage, but might present a
hazard from the point of view of internal absorption.

Internal absorption

of fallout occurs to some extent from inhalation but to a greater extent from
ingestion of contaminated food and water.

Dose Estimations in the Marshallese


Whole body dose.

The gamma radiation dose which resulted in a

penetrating whole body exposure of the Marshallese was calculated from field
instrument readings taken shortly after the accident, spectrometric and

Select target paragraph3