Figure 21

Two boys, age 12, showing greated growth retardation.

Both boys

became hypotiyroid with atrophy of the thyroid gland (Subjects
Number 3 and 5, see Figure 26).

(neg. # CN 4-956-66)

Figure 22

Benign thyroid nodules at surgery. Sectioned gland shows
multinodular, cystic and hemorrhagic nature of glands.
(neg. # CN 3-103¢

Figure 23

Microscopic section of adenomatous nodule (21X).


Gross: appearance of thyroid cancer (white tissue).


Microscopic appearance of metastasis into local blood vessels


(Neg. # 9-1026-66)

or mixed paplilary and follicular carcinoma in 40 year oid

woman (10X),


Note wide

variation in size of follicles, sume showing microfollicular
tissue, others hyperplasia and some colloid cysts. (neg. # 10-1020-65)

from gross specimens seen in Figure 24.

Self-explanatory. (neg. # 11-762-66)

(neg. # CN 10-720-¢

Select target paragraph3