
woman with a cancer of the gland.

The development of marked thyroid deficiency

in 2 boys who showed greatest growth retardation and to a lesser degree in
several other children clearly indicates the correlation of thyroid deficiency
with growth retardation in the exposed children and emphasizes the seriousness
of such thyroid exposure in children.

Though dose estimates for the thyroid

glands are only approximate, the Marshallese experience helps to define the
dose range in which thyroid damage may occur.

Preliminary evaluation of the

effects of thyroid hormone therapy in the Marshallese indicates that such
therapy may be of value, both as a prophylatic measure to prevent development
of thyroid abnormalities including malignancy and for therapeutic reasons
to restore growth and development in children with injured thyroid glands.
It can be concluded that though the acute effects of exposure to large amounts
of radionuclides taken internally may be negligible the possibility of serious
late effects of injury to the thyroid gland is of considerable importance.
There has been no indication in the Marshallese that the bone seekers such
as 29Sr or other radionuclides absorbed have produced any significant effects.

Select target paragraph3