
‘In view of the seriousness of these findings it was decided to initiate
thyroid hormone therapy on the exposed people.

The rational for this form

of therapy was that by furnishing normal levels of exogenous thyroid hormone,
pituitary TSH levels would be repressed and remove the thyroid gland from
stimulation of that hormone.

It is thus hoped that further development of

nodules and possible malignancy might be prevented and, of equal importance,
enhancement of growth and development in the children might result.


results of this treatment must await further observations and a stricter
treatment regimen.

However it does appear that several nodules have reduced

on this treatment and some children may be showing increased growth.


26 shows the results of hormone treatment on the 2 boys who had shown growth
retardation, referred to before and shown in Figure 21.

It can be seen

that there has been a tendency to an increase in skeletal development coincident
with the institution of the thyroid therapy.
The exclusive development of these thyroid abnormalities in the irradiated
Marshallese children seems clearly to indicate the radiation etiology.


development of such abnormalities is consistent with the known etiological
relationship of irradiation of the thyroid gland and the development of such
lesions(Doniach, Kneeland et al.; Lindsay et al.; Goldberg and Chaikoff; Potter

et al.).

The high incidence in the children is probably related to the larger

dose of radiation received by their smaller glands.

Though the pathological

changes in the nodules are similar to those seen in iodine deficiency goiter
there is no reason to suspect such causal relationship in the Marshallese
cases since dietary iodine is normal, urinary excretion of iodine is in the
normal range and there are no known goitrogenic foods.


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