

However, the external gamma ray exposure was sufficient to produce

these symptoms alone, so it is difficult to assess the extent to which the
internal exposure contributed to these acute effects.
The internal radiation hazard associated with fallout appears to be primarily
due to long term chronic irradiation rather than to its acute effects.


Late Effects


General Health.

Except for a few specific findings the exposed

people of Rongelap have remained generally in good health during the 13 years
since their exposure with no greater incidence of illnesses or degenerative
diseases than seen in the unexposed comparison populations examined.


Fifteen deaths have occurred amongst the 82 exposed

Rongelap people giving a death rate somewhat greater than that of the unexposed

However there were a greater number of older people in the

exposed group.

There was no definite relation ofthe cause of death to

radiation exposure.


Studies have been carried out to see if radiation produced

any increased aging by measurement of such things as skin elasticity, hair
greying, baldness, visual acuity, accommodation and arcus senilis of the
eyes, audiometric measurements, blood pressure, strength, neuromuscular
function, and body potassium levels (Conard,Eicher et al.).
criteria showed good correlation with aging.

Most of these

By combining values for these

narameters a biological age score for each individual was obtained (see Fig.16).

However no significant difference in aging of the exposed as compared with the


Select target paragraph3