
During the early stages of development of the lesions, itching, burning,
and slight pain were experienced with the more superficial lesions.
deeper lesions pain was more severe.


The deeper foot lesions were the most

painful and caused some of the people to walk on their heels for several days

during the acute stages.

Some of the more severe lesions of the neck and

axilla were painful when turning the head or raising the arms.

The lesions

did not produce any constitutional symptoms.

Spotty: epilation of varied degrees occurred in 90% of the children and
about 30% of the adults (see Fig.


Regrowth of hair commenced in all

cases about 3 months post exposure and by 6 months hair was of normal
color, texture and abundance (Fig.


Though change of color of hair

from black to grey has been frequently observed in animals (Hance and Murphy;
Chase), regrowth is usually of normal color in the human being.


Conard and Tessmer have reported a case in which regrowth of the hair of
the eyebrows(previously black) regrew white presumably due to exposure to
fission products.
The histopathological changes induced in the skin by fallout in the
Marshallese lesions were studied in sections of a number of biopsies.
During the early, acute period of the lesions, the epidermis showed marked
damage characterized by atrophy and flattening of the rete pegs with disorganization of malpighian and basal layers and marked cellular changes
(pleomorphic nuclei, pyknosis and cytoplasmic halos).
were atrophy or

Additional features

absence of the stratum granulosum, imperfect keratinization,

and loose fibrillation and hyperkeratosis of the stratum corneum.

with pigment were frequently present throughout the epidermis.

Cells laden

In the dermis

Select target paragraph3