Laundry equipment,

Commercial launderies can safely, and on a practical basis, de-

contaminate radioactively contaminated launderable clothing.

Personnel decontamina-

tion was satisfactorily accomplished without the use of special dctergents, commercial toilet sonp proving as efficient as specially formulated detergents.



The object of this experiment was to evaluate Chemical Corps protective

shelter methods and equipment during an atomic bomb detonation,

The colleective-proteector unit was located within the Corps of Engineer

sheltcr and was completely protectcd from blast damage by the use of a specially
designed anti-blast closurc,

Although the collective-protector ceased to operate 5

minutes after the detonation, the anti-blast closure mit and the collective-protector were in operation during the detonation and worse subjected to the blast with its
accompanying heavy load of radioactive particulate matter following the shock fronts
tt is felt that this load of matter was unusually; heavy duc to the absence of vogo=
tation on the test site, frequent pre-shot grading of the surface, and the high wall:
of loose sand which formed the protective walls along other experimental installation
Under more normal surface conditions, practically 100% removal of radioactive particulate matter could be expeeted,

The method used for measuring the activity of the

air stream is not belicved to be the ultimate in experimental technique,


able difficulty exists in differentiating between induced activity, background acti-~
vity, and the activity duc to particles in the air stream,

The cnergy spectrum of

the various particles as well as their distribution within the air stream add com
plexity to the problem.

In addition, the response time of the instruments and thei

counting efficioncy must be adequate for the velocity of the particulate matter passing the tube,

For these reasons the measurement of particulate activity in an air

stream under the operational conditions encount red remains a difficult problem.

No conclusions can be drawn now concerning the cfficicney of operation

of the anti-blast closures in the field installations because the activating overpressures for cach of the field installations is not known at this time,




Select target paragraph3