
‘Marine maintenance was accomplished by the USS CABILDO (LSD-16) for military
water craft except the DUKWs which were maintained by TG 3.2 in the centralized
motor pool.

TG 3.1 marine maintenance was performed by Holmes and Narver with

assistance from the USS CABILDO for specialized repairs beyond the capabilitics
of this installation,

Salvage of damaged or worn equipment was handled by each Service and,
gencrally, on items not salvageable locally, consisted of the peturn of the
material to depots in HAWAIT or the ZONE of INTERIOR.


The funding responsibility for Operation GREENHOUSE was divided among the

three military departments, the Atomic Energy Commission and the Commander, Joint
Task Force THREE,

The departments, including the Atomic Energy Commission, were
The Commander, Joint

responsible for funding all of their normal operating costs.

Task Force THREE funded all above normal Department of Defense operating costs from
monies furnished him through the Air Force Management Fund which had becn approved

by the Research and Devclopment Board,

The Air Force was held responsible for fur-

nishing full financial support for the Long Range Detection Program (Program 7.0),
and the Atomic Energy Commission met all fund requirements for Los Alamos Laboratory

experiments (Program 1.0).

The Commander, Joint Task Force THREE was kept informed

of all GREENHOUSE expenditures through the participating agencics' fiscal reports.
27. “Funds budgeted directly for GREENHOUSE totalcd $74,000,000,


was furnished by the AEC and 22,000,000 was furnished by the Department of Defonse,
through approval and supervision of the Research and Development Board.

It is cx

pected that actual obligations for GREENHOUSE will amount to $73,000,000 and, therefore, the Chief of Staff, USAF, Executive Agent was advised on 12 June 1951 that the
balance of $1,130,751 in the Air Force Management Fund could be withdrawn for use
on other projects,

A statement of the application of funds is presented in Appen|

dices "S" and "Tl,



A cost system was placed in effcct in compliance with instructions contain-

ed in JCS 1998/13.

Inasmuch as neither the military departments nor the Atomic Ener—

gy Commission had a cost system which could easily be adopted in its entirety for
_ this operation, a modified system was established which accounted for the total cost
of the operation by operating and capital costs, by test programs, by departments
and by task groups.

This modificd system, although patterned somewhat along the™


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