
The assignment of the task force commander as representative of the atomic

Energy Commission as well as of the Joint Chiefs of Staff while overseas facilitated
operations by establishing a single authority,

groups proved sound.

The principle of functional tas

In combined Armed Forces-Atomic Energy Conmission operations

of this type, commanders in all echelons should again be chosen from either the Atomic Energy Commission or the Armed Forees, based solely on adaptability and qualifi—

Further improvement in management of joint military activitics can be made

by a nore complete adherence to the management fund. or aingle appropriabion principle, standardization of definition of "normal" and "above normal" costs, and by
developing a uniform system of cross financing between Services,

Full scale test operations such as GREENHOUSE arc excellent opportunities

for training military personnel in the practical aspects of radioactivity.


of adverse psychological reactions at ENTWETOK, when conservative exposure dosages
were exceeded and were detected by highly sensitive survey meters, indicetes the
need for the Services to stress in thoir training progrems

the practical aspects of

radiation as well as to furnish troops a less sensitive survey meter.

To assist in

training. personnel in the presence of higher level radiation such as will cxist in
atomic war, higher level exposure standards should be adopted where feasible on future test operations.

Adequate arrangements have been made for the completion of residual tasks

of Joint Task Force THREE,


That the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Atomic Imergy Commission approve the

above conclusions.

That a copy of this report be transmitted to the Research and Development

Board by the Joint Chicfs of Staff,


That, subject to the comments of the Atomic Energy Commission, Joint Task

Force THREE be inactivated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as of 30 September 1951.

Select target paragraph3