ee eee eat AQLRBB oo semen cet wet SHE PRESIDENT’SPERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR MICRONESIAN STATUS NEGOTIATIONS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 November 13, Ms. Nancy Snyder Deputy Administrator for Family Nutrition Programs Food and Nutrition Service ee me tee "uate ot ae Me mt eT 1978 . vo cm _U. S. Department of A erga.eR Te Washington, D.C. cigar Dear“Ms.Snyder? v so raeSE te ‘ ‘ TINT eR this letter ‘FollowsTy interesting and useful weet et ee meeting today at the office of Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, Director of the Office of Territorial Affairs, Department of the Interior, with Mr. Del Castillo. He suggested that it- would be useful for your Department's purposes if I were to describe my perspective on_USDA's foodprograms in the Trust Territory of thePacific Islands(TTPI). This letter complies with that request and is intended for your Department":s ‘Planning purposes only. “y must“begin by ‘emphasizing the distinction between my functions and interests and those of the Department of the Interior. While the Department of the Interior and the High Commissioner are responsible for the administration of the TIPI, mine is an interagency office which is charged by the President with responsibility for negotiating a new political status’ to replace the United Nations Trusteeship under which the United States has adminis-— tered the TTPI since shortly after World War IT.) The President has stated that it is the Administration’s objective to terminatethe Trusteeship in 1981- The negotiations which I have been conducting for the past year have achieved agreement in principle with political status commissions representing three separate and distinct entities within the TTPI, the Marshall Islands, Palau and the future Federated States of Micronesia, embracing the districts of te . ~ ee farts . 2GMe etn:a etwit t a _ phew ete OH Le eee thee 7? ea Deo ITE OTe > 74 . me ' bee a wee me ee bi . ee tee a fee ee A Pee - ey nye ey tee OTT TD ae atts "yee te geld ata ce 7 ea i eee re ee