Interaction curves of P vs M for the appropriate column sections sr presented in Figen,
D.2 te 0.6, These curves are based tata blatic yield wtress, Tne increase cue to a rapid rate
of strain ts determined by the particular analysis and ts apolied to (he static values listed is
the table of axial load and moment for each toad.
The basic properties of the column sections are taken from the AISC Manual.


c ahi th de

vinbs Att



Since the giidere were designed for elastic action, their capacity is not checked in this report.
The actual variation in moment of inertia for the girders is a function of the type of load.

ing. This cenditton is due to the fact that the reinforced-concreie floor or roof slab will infuence the girder section considerably when the top fiange 16 19 Compression tut unly silghtly

when the bottom flange is in compression. To avoid the complexity of evaluating tae true varithat al the cunter of tne span assuming composite action, Figure D.7 gives the values of moment of inertia used for the various girders.

Sd nticohaleabiltach i

ie in

ation nl, the moment of inertia was assumed uniform uver the span. and ine value taken wes



+E s 10,980 mm

the 6,410 ee

ech th ied,

Sf 00720





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Vig. D.1—Girder moment -of-inertia values lor

ee saochinaks

parecerte eichbesteida aCaRTiN So
ed See

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Tener ape

eR Cement” mn Hoe


Buiiding 2.



The calculation of stiffness factors for each story of Bulliing 2 t4 naged on the tivtinnta
formuated in reference 6. The relation for the stiffness of any storys tucwuaing “ne vilecs 13

girder Cexuiitinty ia otven below.

(EX Mp) + Eh? Yo Ie
where DMp



the sum of the plastic hinge moments for oul ends 0; Every Coturen 8 A Elory
the sum of moments of inertia for all columns in & story
the sum of all the 16 products for each end of ali columna ia a story
joint rotation under ful: plastic moment from both the co.umn acova and b> OF
the joint

The stiffness values for the various stories were compulsd on the xa: cul an average ut

of Mp values. Although the values of Mp vary with ttme and loauing (os lions, 4 Beparsie

evaluation of stiffness for each analysis was considered unwarranted. “fre valusa af uriffowcsy
used io all analyses are as presented below, A mor. complece discussion of atiffcers is multt-

story frames is presented in reference 6. Figure 0.8 gives evaluated tuint rotations for gir
Gera of Building 2.



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