second GREENHUUSEshot. The underside of the rouf siab showed considerable snalling and aporoudmate failuc> from shear cracks at the end of bottom reinforcing bars about 33 inches from each end
wall and the same distance from girders, These cracks were thoroughly photographed,
Reinforced concrete columns exhibited additional spalling on the compression Side and cracking
on the opposite side. Offsets of permanent defiection were measured on ail reinforced concrete and
steel columns,
Wall pancis end roots were examined for additional cracking. Very few additions’ cracks were
noted and these were fine halr cracks.

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General Description of Buried Shelter

The buried shelter, Structure 3.1.3 was examined for damage, The blast-proof doors had been
removed und laid inside the shelters prior to the test. No damage occurred to the ramp-type concrete
entrance. The air locks, of timber, in the reciangular shelter, were shattered and debris was lying {n~
side. No damage was noted {n the circular-type shelter. The als intake pipe protruding through the
backfill over the rectangular shelter approximately 3'4 feet was bent away fromthe bigst source.
Photograplia wert tna‘e of the pipe es well as th. doorways interiors of the sheiters,

General Deicription of Miscellaneous Structures

inspection of miscellaneous structures, primary instrumentation shelters and timing shacks was
begun at ALICE, the most remote island on the northwest extremity of the Atoll. Enroute # shelter on
@ corai reef, MACK, was inspected and photographed. Examination of very heavy concrete shelters was
made on ALICE, CLAMA, IRENE, JANET, ete. Little camage occurred on basic structures; huwever,
wing walls which were keyed rather than doweled to the basic structures were damaged, Steel doors of
the Navy type held up well. One door had an opening out with acetylene torch; a heavy steel [-beam
above the door used for holsting, was fuided 180 degrees in a horizcntal plane. A wait for measur'ng
dDlast pressures ¢n JANET was overturned. [It appeared to be urlented abou, 45 degrees from normal
{n direction cf blast. A shack on h..TE, about ay miles, was completely demolished. ‘The Uming
portable generator was overturned approximately 100 fect away and severely damaged, ‘Thre? concrete
pyiona, out of 6, used for Instrumeniing of A¥ hangar in CREENHOUSEtests cer sinss ptanding. Timing
shacks further cown the Atoll sustained lesser degrees of Jamage. Photographs were made of all dam-

age dct*-is and tree~stands were photogrephed for comparison with pre-shot cunditions——aill trees were

of the coccnut-paim variety. The dock on JANET was examined but it appeared to have been damaged
severely from wave action and general weathering. Other causeways and treaties in the vicinity of the
URSULA group were being used for current construction. It appears impusoibis to specifically attribute
damage to any of these docks and causeways to blast effects,

Estimate of Modification of Multi-story Building for Future Instrumeuiation Program

At the reacect f Capt. Kingsley, AFSWP, the undersigned examined the aviny test structure with
@ view to tu. king recommendations on ctructural modifications necessary fcr # iuture blast mersiresnent program. The insiruments are to be mounted on Bulidings 1, 2 ard 3. Mr. Merve Self 4-4, a: tHe
request of Curamander Mevieuan, AEC Liatson Officer at Sandia Corporation, discussed the requires
ments with the undersigned. The following suggestions were made;
a. The onnels (2) blown out on 2nd floor rear of Building ] would be replacea Ly bmber bulk. ada
ofa strength cofuparable to 12° brick walls which have ¢) *>ied all previcus olast lads, They would

be braced by waies and shoring.

b. The separation cracks between Dulidings 2 inrough 4 would b. clused by 2-fach timber where

alignment of rurfsce is consistent (roof sad undeflected walls), This timber cuuld be anchored ty m+tel
straps spainicg Uetween existing bolts with wedges driven between the timber and the strap. Where the
buliding lines are offset, continwuus wedges we Id be driven against .mbers,
¢. The accers hatches in Building 4 (at Building 5) would be closed with bulkiced Umbers 14
existing stop-icg channels.
ad, Existing instrument mounts on Buildings 1, 2 and 3 ere in usable condition. Ai] - ui
retapping and redieing to clean up rust on threads.
e. Displacement gage pipes, approximately 3”, 2° and 1'¢° sere examined. The large pipe ace un

faic condition and usable; the 2° pipe are about 75% usable, some having been bent; end te 31),

pipe are mostly bent and probably canaot be re-used,
f. A later examination of the roof of Building 4 Indicated that the two outside spans of the J-rcpan
continuous rucf should be shored along the crack line for future tests.




Select target paragraph3