accurately (woich anyone can do) what is more pertinent is to "forecast"
the fall-out properly.

There is no reason to expect a detailed close-

fit reconstruction based on past analysis will fit the fall-out picture
of a Suture atomic explosion.

It should be noted that in all cases, the

radex plot based on the H-3 hour winds delineate the general fall-out
area sccurately outside of the immediate gumnery range at NPG,


this fact may be useful in predicting general area fall-out in future


"2 at




The following recommendations are made based upon the analysis of

the TUMBLER/SNAPPER (R) and UPSHOT/KNOTHOLE (R) tower shots:

Radiological Cperations during future atomic tests in the domes-

tic test site should utilize both aircraft and ground monitoring to
delineate the general fall-out area from contaminating tower shots.
The air readings alone or the ground readings alone do not indicate the
falleout area adequately.

If the tower heights at NPG are increased to 500 ft or higher,

there will be significant reduction in contaminating fall-out.

If the target area is well stabilized by cement or other

permanent means the radioactive fall-out will be reduced materially.

However, such permanently stabilized area aust be large in size.


minimum, a circular area of 1000 ft dianeter is required to cause an

appreciable reduction in fall-out,

It {s preferred that a circular area

be dicniiaiat i

with a diameter of two miles be permanently stabilized in order to make


SGU. su


Select target paragraph3