found in ae #3 and #4 indicates - the radexes prepared
using the actual winds three hours.before shot time, delineate the
general fall-out area adequately.

In Mygures 1 through 9 the radex

plots based on the H-3 and H-< hour actual winds are superimposed on
the actual fall-out area.

A study of these figures shows clearly that

radex plots based on the actual winds near shot time delineate the fall-

out area adequately.

The area of maximum intensity of fall-out could

be located by this method within an averages angular displacement of

plus or minus five degrees,

The angular displacement of the center of

the maximimfall-out area does not show a displacement greater than 15

Considering that the :inds are four hours old in these radex

plots, it becomes at once evident that there is considerable persistence
to the winds.

Certainly if the decision to fire a potentially contamin-

ating shot is delayed until the last two or three hours, it is difficult
to see how larce errors could be made in the radex plots,


onan i

it appears that the simple Stokes’ Law assumptions are valid for 70 to
150 micron particles, which are the main cause of the radioactive con-

cinattaeeittinatmriat ination, tpilbeesinateinies

tamination within 200 miles of the domestic test site at the Nevada

Proving Grounds,

Verification of Radioactive Fall-out Forecasts

After the writer had analyzed the fall-out from TUMBLER/
SNAPPER (R) tower shots it was possible to forecast tha‘: 10 to 15 XT
bombs detonated from 300 ft towers would produce § to 2 roentgen life
time doses within the populated areas in the periphery of the Nevada

Test Site,

This information was made a matter of record and called to


nal ae



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Select target paragraph3