Local differences in dose rates at three feet
The highest levels measured were generally under trees,

particularly under Pandanus trees where litter had accumulated.
The highest levels at Rongelap islet in 1955 were measured in
the remaining palm-frond huts where fallout remained trapped

in the roof and the wall thatching.

Readings one inch above

the floor were lower than those at three feet above the ground

and readings close to the walls and roof were highest of all.
There were relatively high readings over some open areas where
soil algae were abundant.

The soil algae form a crust roughly

one centimeter thick and retain most of the radionuclides from

Return to background level

The return to background level, < 0.02 mr/hr, occurred
first, as would be expected, in the intertidal zone, except
for a few small areas of beach rock covered with a film of algae.

Levels of 20.02 me/ne were measured in July,

1957 in the inter-

tidal zones at Kabelle and Rongelap islets and in the newly
constructed village on Rongelap islet.

Construction of the

village entailed the removal of the thatched huts and bulldozing


of a considerable part of the area.

Select target paragraph3