







survey:‘of.Instruments Industry.woes AE Re
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AY questionnaire formbas been prepared. and ‘circulated:‘tosthe ma,dor)

nuclear. instruments companies. Thisformhas been reviewed by NPA and]
approved by the Bureau of the Budget.
The information: requested pertains to the rate of expansion ove}
the past years and the present production capacity.

Survey. Meters
Information. received from ORNL indicates that contracts for the
fast neutron and alpha survey meters have been awarded. These meters
which had been requested for use in various Commission installations will

cost approximately $19,700 for 35 neutron, and $17,600 for 30 alpha


Delivery is expected in May of both items.

An urgent need has been indicated by the Raw Materials Divisio
for approximately 50 scintillation type survey meters of -the type devqloped at ORNL.
In addition, the Geological Survey has use for about 5§.
instruments. A meeting will be held with a representative of the Geological Survey to consolidate their needs along with those of the Commisf#ion.
Loan of Radiation Instruments and Sources

During the month,.approvals were granted and arrangements made


the loan of radiation detection instruments and radioisotopes for civpil

defense training use to the State Civil Defense Organizations of New

Jersey and Kentucky and the county organization of Pinellas County (s

Petersburg), Florida.

FCDA “Alert America" Exhibit
This exhibit, opening in Washington, D. C., on January %, 1954
constitutes a graphic presentation of atomic and other weapons of modern

War and the urgent civil defense measures needed to cope with them. [The
Civil Defense Liaison Branch nas devoted considerable time in connecfion
with FCDA requests for assistance in providing elements for the atomlc
energy portion of the exhibit,

and arrangements have been made through the

Branch for loan of radiation detection instruments and other items.
December 13, 1951,


the Chief, Civil Defense Liaison Branch, and a refbre-

sentative of the Office of Classification reviewed the exhibit in Rifthmond;
it was determined that there was no AEC classified material involve

Discussions on Effects Test

Conversations with various revresentatives of FCDA and the Dgvisions of Militery Application and Inrormation Services have continudd on
the general troposal that a weapons e*fects test as distinguished fyfom a4
weapons development testi be held, at *aicn requirements of FCDA, Pulic

Building Service, and AEC with regarc to structures, biomedical andJmiscelleneous testing would be accommocccted.

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