on every island, but emphasis was given

kind of data obtained for cach of the pre-

to — and proportionately larger numbers

dominant isotopes on each of the islands,

of samples taken on — those islands which

905. values for 0-15 cm core samples on

were known to have been sites for nuclear

JANET are plotted in Fig. 147,
Table 215 presents geometric mean

testing activity or to have been subjected
to large amounts of fallout from such

values and ranges for the four predominant


radionuclides on islands from ALICE

Two types of soil samples were taken

through WILMA.

On islands where there

on each island: "surface" and "profile."

are significant differences in activity

At "surface" sampling locations, two

levels between densely and sparsely

samples were taken— one a 30-cm? x 15-

.vegetated areas, data for both are given.

em-deep core, and the second a composite

Similar data for groups of southern islands

of two 30-cm” X 5-cm-deep cores.

are shown in Table 216.


"“profile'' sampling locations, 100-cm?

"Profile'' samples showed a wide range

samples were taken from the side wall

of activity distributions as a function of

of a trench dug for the purpose. Nominal

depth on different parts of the Atoll.

depth increments for the profile samples

amples of the types found are given in

were 0 to 2, 2to 5, 5to10, 10 to15, 15

Figs. 148-151,

to 25,

in this area are not very meaningful,

and 25 to 35 cm,

and at 10-cm

increments to total depth,


Although generalizations

Fig. 148 shows the profile distribution

Total depth

1or proliie Samples varied trom 39 to

normaliy touna on tne southern iStands.

185 cm, depending on the distribution ex-

Here the activity levels are usually low

pected from the testing history of the

through the full range of depths sampled.
Some sampling locations show concentra-

.island being sampled.
In general, the predominant species

tions decreasing somewhat from the sur-

found in the soil samples are 905, 137 ag

face through the first 10 or 20 cmof soil.

2395, and co,
102mpy 1256p

4K, 555, lan


134 4,

154 155py 207 5B: 226R 4
2385, and 241

Figure 149 shows the type of distribution


often found inland on islands subjected


to fallout but not to construction or other

Am are also present in

some or all of the samples.

ground-zero earthmoving activities — i.e.,

As was the

a rapid and fairly steady decrease of

case for external gamma. levels, small

activity levels from the surface to total

amounts of radioactive species on the


southern islands (SAM to KEITH) are

found on beaches and exposed areas on

distributed-more or less uniformly over

these same islands — i.e., uniform or

the entire land area.

slowly decreasing activity levels from

On islands where

Figure 150 shows the distribution

larger amounts of activity are present,

the surface to total depth.

the highest levels of all species are found

shows a distribution pattern found occasion-

at the island centers or in proximity to

ally on islands which have beenthe sites

ground-zero sites, usually related ina

for tests or have been subjected to con-

direct way to the vegetation density in the

struction and earthmoving activities

immediate area.

(primarily IRENE, JANET, PEARL,

As an example of the

Figure 151

Select target paragraph3