handling of collected contaminated materials.

A Public Health

Service group, which is now part of the Enviromental Protection
Agency, EPA, provided radiological assistance for cleanup of
Bikini Atoll.

Similar support should be sought from EPA for

Enewetak Cleanup. —
Decontamination of YVONNE is seen as an iterative process, namely,
removal of soil, monitoring of radioactivity levels, and removal

of more soil.

This amounts to a search for the higher plutonium

levels in soil with removal according to the guidance provided.
The objectives of the cleanup are two:

Recovery of the pieces of plutonium that have been observed
on or near the island surface.

Some contain milligram

quantities of plutonium metal and are easily detected with
field survey instruments such as the FIDLER.

Recovery of plutonium contaminated soil.

To a first

approximation, the location of the zones of higher Pu ccncentrations are shown in the survey profile samples.
Recovery of plutonium in soil at concentrations greater than 400

Pu at any depth these levels are found.


justification is that plutonium at some depth may one day be at
the surface.

Also, recovery of contaminated soil sufficient to

reduce surface levels te a value well below 40 pCi/g 239,240),
The justification is to keep air concentrations of resuspended

plutonium to levels well within national and international

After soil removal, all areas should be resurveyed

to ensure no pieces or hot spots of plutonium remain.


Select target paragraph3