Most significantly, however, implementation of Option IV a-e would remove
a minimum of 15 cm of soil from essentially the entire island of JANET.


the top soil on that island is charitably described as meager, such action
would leave JANET a sand island.

Heroic actions would be required to either

reconstitute the remaining soil through use of fertilizers and other
additives, or import topsoil sufficient to support subsistence and commercial

With any of these actions a period of time would be required to

determine the effectiveness of the action.

An additional period would be

required after a decision to plant subsistence and commercial crops in
quantity before the island could support its inhabitants.
Option V

a. All of Option IV a-e} plus:
b. Removal of a minimum of 10 cm of soil from PEARL.
C. RewOval Of 4a mitdmuw ol 47 cm vl vuil faum ALTCL, 14 cu Crom DELLE,
and 10 cm from CLARA.
d. If pandanus and breadfruit are to be grown on northern islands other
than JANET, the criteria of Option IV c should apply, t.e., plant in
soil having a 90... content of 4.6 pCi/gm or less, or bring clean soil
to the island with a depth sufficient to contain the roots of these
If these actions achieved a level of exposure reduction as iarge as the
calculational result, this would permit use of the entire Atoll according to
the Master Plan.

This option is clearly much more expensive than other

‘options since it requires removal of additional soil and requires recon-

stitution of soil in the cleared areas.

Consideration of these actions as

a viable option is clouded by uncertainties regarding the exposure reduction

that can be achieved through partial soil removal and by selective soil


Select target paragraph3