NCRP DOSE Limits 2/

Whole body

0.5 rem/yr


Gonads (alternative 3/


0.17 rem/yr
0.17 rem/yr ai
5.0 rems/30 yrs


Criteria Against Which Survey Findings and Alternative Measures
Will Be Evaluated

The Task Group approached the question of radiation dose criteria

from two directions.

First, FRC, ICRP, and NCRP recommendations

reviewed above were judged as to applicability in this situation.

Second, a risk approach was reviewed using information from
ICRP, UNSCEAR, and the National Academy of Science BEIR

Committee. The results of this latter effort are summarized
in Part F which follows.

The radiological survey of Enewetak Atoll provides a comprehensive
data base needed to derive recommendations relative to the

radiologically safe return of the Enewetak people. These recommendations are to be based on an evaluation of the significance of all

radioactivity on the Atoll in terms of the total exposure to be ex-

pected in the returning population, and on consideration of those
reasonable actions and constraints which, where made, will result
in minimum exposures.

The guidelines used in deriving these recommendations can be
summarized as two interdependent considerations:
1. Expected exposures should be minimized and should fallina
range consistent with guidance put forward by the Federal
Radiation Council (FRC),

1/ For conditions and qualifications on application, see NCRP
Report No. 39, ''Basic Radiation Protection Criteria."

2/ To be applied as the average yearly value for the population of
the United States as a whole.
Report No. 39.


See paragraph 247, NCRP

See paragraph 247, NCRP Report Noa. 39.

Select target paragraph3