the external dose assessment,

pandanus fruit and breadfruit.

is based

For living

upon the unmodified conditions for the

pattern III, for example, the total

village island.

terrestrial bone dose is 75*rem, of which

The largest contribution

to the whole-body and bone doses comes

74% is derived from the intake of bread-

from the terrestrial food chain, the ex-

fruit and pandanus.

ternal dose pathway is the next highest

however, that the large contribution tc


the bone dose via these fruits occurs only

and the marine food chain

It is important to note,

and inhalation pathway contribute the

when they are grown on northern islands,

least.” The relative contributions of each

Pandanus and breadfruit grown on the less

diet component to the terrestrial pathway

contaminated southern islands lead to

dose is shown in Tables 242 and 243,

much lower dose commitments.

Table 245 shows the 30-yr integral

In general, living on JANET, visiting
northern islands, and maintaining

dose for the six living patterns for the

agriculture on northern islands (living

modified soil condition, i.e., where the

patterns III, V, and VI) lead to signifi-

village area has 5 cm of gravel and the

cantly higher doses than if the village and

village island is plowed.

agriculture are located on islands in the

shows the 5-, 10-, 30-, and 70-yr dose

southern half of the Atoll (living pattern

estimates for the same conditions.


Doses for these same patterns have

heen calenlated for &


Table 246

Table 247 shows the additional effect

and 70 vr and

on the 30-yr integral dose of limiting

growth of pandanus, breadfruit, coconut,

are shown in Table 244,

and tacca to the southern islands, while

The most significant contribution via
the terrestrial food chain is the dose to

Table 248 shows the effect of limiting all

bone resulting from 905» uptake via

terrestrial foods to the southern islands.
The effect of the combination of these preventive measures reduces the dose for

“As indicated earlier, these dose calculations assume that the Enewetak people will continue their current practice of

living pattern III from 11 rem to 1.9 rem
for whole body and from 80 to 4.7 rem

using catchment rain water for drinking
and that the underground lens water sup-

for bone.

A comparison of the 30-yr integral dose

ply will not be a part of their diet. An
indication of doses that are to be expected

from lens water may be obtained from

for living patterns I and III relative to the
average United States externa] background

four water samples taken on JANET in
July 1971. These samples, two each
from each of two 2,5-m-deep holes about
100 m from the lagoon shore, gave aver-

dose over 30 yr is shown in Table 249.
Plutonium isotopes, because of their

age concentrations of 130 pCi/liter for

90Sr, and 400 pCi/liter for 138%Ccs, 239py

long half-lives, will still be present

<0.03, and 17 pCi/liter) but, for our current purpose, we will assume an average

at the Atoll have decayed away; therefore,

concentrations were scattered (<0.03, 21,
value of 20 pCi/liter.

when the other major isotopes observed
Tables 250 and 251 are included to show

Using these concentrations, and

the predicted doses from plutonium to

assuming an average daily intake of

100 m1 of lens water, the resulting 30-yr
doses would be 0.83 rem due to °9Sr,
0.019 rem due to !8?Csg, and 0.00082 rem
due to 239pu,

the three major receptor organs (lung,

and bone) via the three relevant

exposure pathways.

Select target paragraph3