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current funding. Ambassador Willf{am stated they would be looking to
AEC anc 30D for the same kind of support {n cleanup ef Enfwetok as wes
{ded for Bikini (AEC supported rad{ological aspects ef cleanup and
s providing followup periodic monitoring and 03D supported cleanup with
removal of metal scrap and other debris and physical hazards such as
rusted towers and sunken vessels fn shallow water and on beaches).

Willfams stated that he understood the problems of finding funds for such

a larze cleanup effort and stated hc would go as high as needad to get
the necessary support and funds for this project.

| {f sore of the Enfiwetok people were allowed to return to a portion ef the

Arbassador Williams stated he could see the difficuittes that would arise


islands before cleanup was accomplished. AEC staff stated that after a
survey of the Atoll {s completed, there wil] probably be some {slands
where replanting of coconuts could begin.

Wi}lfams feels that the chance for a confrontation with the Eniwetok

people {s heightaned by their lack of information on what is befng considered. He favors a vis{t by United States representative to Ujelang

to inform tne people ef actions to be taken and to obtain their ass{st-

ance {n planning for their return to their horeland. As with the visit
t K{lf tu talk to the Bikini people and answer questions about their

return to thefr atoll dn 1968, an AEC representative should go along on
the visit to USelang. Williams is considering taking representatives
of the Enfwetok people to Biki{nf to see how {ft has been cleaned up and

to see the new houses being built there and to Eniwatok to see what must
be done before they can return,
Aobassador Willfams sald he hoped that the necessary steps to perforsn
the radiological survey and cleanup of Enfwetok could be compressed in
time comared to Bikint and that both AEC and DOD can expect a request

for assistance fn these areas.

After the April 2 meetings Ambassador Willfams would Ifke to mest again

to discuss ayreeuents reached on Entwetok.


Toemy F. McCraw, Physicist - General
Kuclear Explosives Envfronmertal

Diviston of Operational Safet::



Select target paragraph3