NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WAGHIPYHATOWN merase 19, 1954 ery ele ‘ef Sage MORAN FOR: SUBIECT: ber. Gererd faith, state @em. BS. B. Loper, Defwnes Car. C. BR. Balece, Am’ tw. 0. I. Ger. om . otf we. Ralph Qpeer © Proposal for an sternational Meewtori = op Future “ests REFERENCE: = _* f BSC Action 4 Ss ttomic seapoos ™ The eoclv@et ielier of tne subject t toe eel dent from C mamisaiomer Murrey fo vie oom ¢ ‘nergy Cmmniasivg, oe fren referred by the fresident t Mr tor “or @& Enonagh wtonty in order tooex.. ow rurrent rlewn oa this aad pect infcrmally, Mr. Cutler reque: te toat pou cumsull with par respedtive dejertaent or agency heads regarding the propce@el oateined Le the euciverd letter, in emticijpatioun of meeting with Mr cutine his cfflee a Priday, Merch 75. at 4: Nf oe It is requested tnat, closed letter not be further tistr Aiscussed with the minigum feuet’ > fie the time oming, bore moved, amd that ite c whens oserber of off brimds of os ¢« JAMPO GL UAT UF recite Secoe hen ) Enoloeure: CBG. wn ; RESTRICTED DATA ioc gene ec. Mr. ee. Cutier aye “ - shown Jaterinen? og tg oe en t bw Hanisch mae sae ge wre ote Gaciemery fT a meetiid poet Beet na gure ’ TT, ~ me ae A git x sate + empeneloat roeet peat sa: ommente S artnet 12g 8 UNCLAG3eacrD