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drive to the landing pad (about two miles) about three minutes et 40 coh
sO as not to strain damaged vehicles and have a breakdown and become

be NO
stranded? The getoer counters all read 500 R+ outside at this tine. We
- ~ ".
. * peached the copters sare, boarded, and returned to the ships.
It was now
"about 5:00 p.m. shot day. We landed the ship on a large canvas pad. We strip
p>" Le“. ped on che pad (only the sheets).
Went to 3a small stateroom and waited for
disposal. After about 10 minutes we were all told to walk over an open
at Lo
_° Grated companion way that sfretched over open sca and we were salt water show-


\ :


Ie cook about 12 hours to return to home base Eniwetok from zikini.
I slept
- on the first hangar deck with the wheel of a copcer for my pillow thac night.
Returned to my squadran and reported on my assignment. On the second day

after "0" I started to feel feverish, light headed, no appetite, constant
headache. Very little sleep that night. On che third day after 0, I had






ered nude and checked o r with a geiger counter till we read O "gacna".
I had no other clothes and was offered none so I re-dressed in my old clothes.
I was last to shower © "gamma" and was forgotten thereafter aboard ship.



severe headache, a tight forehead with loss and blurry vision, feverish and
very nauseous.
Io weet to the orderly room to report for sick call about



3:00 p.m. the third .ay after "0",
Ioctcold him.

My commander saw me and asked ny problen

He asked if I was de-conteminated,

water shower and the gefger counter check.

I told him about the sea

He advised that I go to the

- Eniwoetox decon station firse and then sick call. \* do chis.
A check for gamma shows some meter movement.
A check for Alphe shows 0.
->--A check for Beta shows 35a on top of my head only.

--- -

They send me to the shower to wash off.

.of hair.



I come out,

I go and pash and alse lose fistfulls

get checked and I am still hoc abour 122.

I return

to the shower with a brush and serub brush my head till I am sore. I now
read abcut 75 MR. Again I go to the shewer and stand under {ic for 2 long
time, letting the water hit my head because it is so sore from acrubdbing.


‘After dressing and a shore talk with che men there, I feel real good now.


| *T come ove clean.




more headache, dizziness, fever, nothing; like I'm well again.
In fact 1
was pretcy hungry and so I go ro chow because it was almost 6:00 p.m.
I have
~iraculously recuperated so I do noc go to sick call.


aout two or chree weeks later I am told, by my Cormander co return to the
mnker tQ retrieve my tools and equipment because they were clearing che
island and was supposed to be safe now.


. , Exposura #2,

Upon arrive: 1

find the Bikind.still hot (100k+) and only allowed two hours stay.

I take

“only one hour and return co ship, I feel no 111 effects this except for
“Queazy feeling in stomach (maybe because of remembrances) for shat day ohly.


ae ee

I return to bunker about three weeks later.




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