

January 29, 1953

sympathy with the air-sampling program but would be willing to continue it, under their own supervision, if the AEC specifically

requested it.

There was also some concern expressed about the

Public Health people participating in the off-site monitoring.
According to a letter from the Surgeon General of Public Health to
Mr. M. W. Boyer, the Public Health people have clearly stated that
their understanding of the conditions under which they agree to participate will include an active role in the planning and conduct of

the off-site monitoring activities. AFSWP did not feel that they
understood clearly just what this implied but were concerned that

such participation might conflict with the prerogatives of Collison
as RadSafe director.

Aside from the meeting itself, I met with Colonel Collison and we
mutually agreed upon certain data that he would transmit to the
Division of Biology and Medicine for the permanent exposure records
following UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE, He asked that the request for this data
be made in the form of a letter. Colonel Gwynn and Colonel Collison
stated their intention of sending a letter listing exposures to only
those home organizations represented by a relatively large number of
individuals. Also, they stated that the film badges themselves would
be stored with AFSWP, They questioned the value of this procedure
but stated that if in the future they decided to dispose of them, the
Division of Biology and Medicine would be so notified.
GMD :mih

Dr. Bugher
Dr. Claus


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