sity than had been predicted. These impulses are capable of producing
structural failures, as evidenced by the severe damage incurred by the front
instrument casing of the pod. There was no evidence to support the existence of an X-ray shadow (region of low intensity) along the longitudinal axis
of the Teak device. The X~ray induced impulses on lead, zinc, fron, copper,

and aluminum were appreciable a - the
estimated slant range of 23,000 ft. The beryllium samplé
was“not affected.


Program B: Ground Studies of Thermal and Electromagnetic Phenomena
The work of Program B during shots Teak and Orange involved six

Project 4.1, supported by thermal measurements from Project 8.1,

studied the limiting distances at which chorioretinal burns might be caused

by very high altitude detonations. Rabbits were exposed to shots Teak and
Orange at stations located on Johnston Island, aboard ships, and in aircraft.
It was found that a very high altitude burst is particularly effective in

producing chorioretinal burns because of the rapidity with which thermal



Select target paragraph3