provides good decontamination.
Anion-exchanae resin. AG? 1-X8. 100 290 mesh. Bio-Rad Lab. Richmond,

Counting apparatus

connected to a vacuum system. a detector bias supply (ORTEC Mod. No. 428), a
FET preamplifier (ORTEC No. 109A). a power supply (ORTEC No. 115), a linear


amplifier (Canberra No. 1416) and a 512-channe! pulse-height analyzer (Nuclear

Data No. 120) connected to a typewriter readout. With a scale expander (Canberra
No. 1461). a 128-channel analyzer (Nuclear Data No. 110} mayalso be used.

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The x-spectrometer system consisted of an ORTEC 300 mm-, 100-um
depletion-depth. lithitum-drifted silicon surface-barnier detector mounted in a chamber

Procedure for sea water


Sea-water samples of 56-60 1 collected at depths of 0-700 m from the North
Atlantic Ocean (1967-1969} contained sufficient -*°Pu activity for convenient deter-


mination: however, much lower activity was observed for deeper samples'?.


Clean thoroughly the sample barre! (top. side. handles. caps. etc.) of all dust,

dirt and loose material. Weigh the sample in the original barrel and transfer the sea
water to a polyethylene container of the appropriate size (100-300 1 capacity).
Weigh the empty barrel to determine the weignt of the sample. Observe any unusual
appearancein the sample (e.g. color, particulate matter, etc.}. This information maybe

useful to establish contamination,if any. of the sample. Add ca. 500 mi of 3 M hydro-

chloric acid to the empty barrel. recap. rotate the barrel on its side a few times. and

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leave for at least 2-3 h. Combine the acid rinse with the sample. Rinse the empty
barrel twice with about | | of deionized water and combine with the sample.
Add 10 ml of iron carrier and | ml of standardized plutonium-236 (2-3 d.p.m.)

tracer. Stir the sample with tank nitrogen for about | h. Add 100 mi of 2 M sodium

hydrogensulfite and stir with tank nitrogen for about 30 min. Add a second 100 mlof

the sulfite solution and sufficient 15 44 ammonia solution (300-400 ml) to make the
solution basic: mix well. Cover the sample securely and allow the precipitate to settle

Carefully siphon off the main fraction of the supernate and transfer the hydroxide slurry to a 3-l beaker. Cover the beaker with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and
let the hydroxide settle. Decant and centrifuge the remaining supernate. Dissolve the
hydroxide with a minimal amount of 16 M nitric acid. Estimate the volume of the

solution and add an equal volumeof 16 M nitric acid. Transfer the solution to a 400-ml
beaker and dilute the solution to ca. 100 ml with 8 M nitric acid. Add 5 ml of 30%
hydrogen peroxide, cover the beaker with a watch glass, and heat on a hotplate at

90-100° until the peroxide has decomposed. Cool the sample to room temperature,
add 1 g of solid sodium nitrite. mix. Jeave for 30 min and then proceed with the
plutonium purification.
Procedure for sediments

Usually 50-100 g of dried shallow water sediments give sufficient fall-out

°3°Pu activity for convenient counting. Samples from the lower sections of cores

(below 10 cm) or of oceanic sediments may require a Jarger aliquot; the *7°Pu
Anal. Chim. Acta, 56 (197%) 355-364




Select target paragraph3