
The above would all in varying degrees be radiation related but would
also provide a health education program and deliver general health .

care with subcontractor personnel.
Additionally, Dr. Pratt would
like to see the health physics program (Greenhouse) be integrated


into above trips to gel the BNL effort and help avoid confusion.

Trips suggested by Primary Health Subcontractor:
lI screening visit to Bikini and Enewetak
il general health care visit
In addition, BNL would select candidates from the atolls to undergo

quality medex training with special attention to identification of
problems due to radiation.



There would be about 5-6 trips per year (3 Rongelap-Utirik and

2 Enewetak-Bikini~Kili).

The operations would be supported without

need for a vessel by either:

Two each SH-3 helicopters based on Kwajalein, or


A STOL aircraft.

This could either be government-owned or leased but better still it
could be a private service which would serve the Marshalls and be
partially subsidized by the U.S. Government (DOE) and used on an
advanced plan basis to serve the atolls.
This could and should be
done in partnership with the Marshalls Government.
In concert with

them and, of course, the affected atolls, STOL strips could be

This not only would serve U.S. Government interests
by providing timely service to the people, and saving scientific
manhours but would be expected to be well accepted by the Marshallese
for emergency medical purposes as well as to facilitate their own travel
and transport of mail, equipment, etc,
Air strips now exist on
Enyu and Bikini.
Tt was suggested that the environmental programs could be served by

this method also but would necessarily have to preposition equipment.

WBC units could be left in place at Kili, Enewetak, Rongelap and
Utirik and it would be necessary. only to bring in the electronics
for each trip.

Taking into account the U.S. system and funding cycles it appears
that it would be at least 18 months

S05] 715

(late 1980)

for funding to

Select target paragraph3