#161 - 10

the bills of which I speak are laid on my desk and tuen I know what the

program is, and I don't think it's profitable to begin to guess what their

views are and what they are doing.


Voss, Viashington Star,

I'lt just have to wait until I get the

ivr. President, you probably noticed in

tie papers this morning General Creasy's statement about nerve gases.
I am wondering if you can tell us wuat you think about the possibility
of persistence of a balance of terror, even if we were to get a nuclear
disarmament such as we are seeking?
Hil PRESIDENT: Welll think, you say we get nuclear disarmament,
I think that always we have, that is tie Western world, has coupled
nuclear disarmament with a degree of general disarmament. Now
there are many ways of bacteriological war, nerve, or gas warfare.
There are other terrible weapons of mass destruction that are now
in the, well just let's say they are capabilities that anybody could

use, along with the nuclear terror.

So, I would think that when we talk about nuclear warfare, we shouldn't
talk about it alone, we should talk about its results, and what is done

with it, rather than merely on nuclear warfare; and so I would think

that disarmament is a matter that has to be dealt with pretty well across
the board,


Spencer Davis, AP,

Would you comment, sir, on the action of tne

International Olympic Committee in expelling Nationalist China from its

ranks, and refusing to recognize it under the name of Republic of China?

Well of course, it's been known for years, even

after it had to occupy Taiwan, as its, what it considers a temporary
abode, I believe there are some 4C or 45 nations now recognized
under that name and frankly, it seems to me that the Clympic Committee has gotten into politics rather than merely into international

LKerling, ditors Syndicate.

steel problem, sir.

ir, President, this relates to the

There are just about ten days left before steel

actual negotiations, as you have declined to do, do you believe, sir,
| it would be useful if you were to invite union and industry representa‘tives to the White House to establish a kind of a climate of accommo‘lation within which they might hammer out an agreement?

"HE SXULOIDENT: Well, I will tell you on that one: You have got

istorical incident, and I believe the outcome was an attempt to seize



3 companies start banking their furnaces, and without intervening in


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