#161 - 3
Q. Bailey, idinneapolis Star and Tribune, The Senate and rouse Conference yesterday agreed on a new w.eat bill tat would raise price
supports five per cent and at the same time cut acreage allotments by
20 per cent, Could you give us your comments on this last approach?
THE PRESIDENT: No. I don't tiink I can comment very much on it
this morning because it just came in to my desk, and I ..ave not yet
talked to the Secretary of Agriculture on this particular thing.
As you know, we still do not believe in raising price supports in any

kind of a formula -- because we just believe it's not good for the farming industry or for the country.


Lisagor, Chicago Daily News.

Mr, President, back to foreign

policy for a moment. Have you been in direct communication with Mr.
Khrusiacnev in recent days in an effort to end the stalemate on the nuclear test ban talks in Geneva:

rie FRISIDENT: I think I have said several times tuat my communications with heads of State or neads of government are never made
public by me unless there is mutual agreement, or unless someone
else has done it. Therefore, I don't advise publicly whetuer or not
I have communicated with any otuer ead of government.
(_. Cberdorfer, Knight News, apers, 4 Congressional committee,
investigating what some people have called a munitions lobby, is look-

ing into the employment of high ranking, former higu ranking officers
by defense contractors, Do you think that improper pressures are
exerted when former high ranking officers take jobs with companies
whici: solicit defense contracts?
TIE PRESIDENT: Well really, I don't know anything about it. No
one has certainly ever tried to do it to me, and anyway, I don't have

anything to do with the contracting business,


But I think there is justification for the Congress informingitself
as to exactly what connections, net necessarily with former officers

of the governinent, but with the contracting officers of the present
government, I think it's all right to look into these things because
we must be careful and J think anyone that is acting in good faith
would have nothing to fear of such an investigation.


Mohr, Time Magazine,

ifr. Fresident, this is also a question

about nuclear test cessation, The Berkner Report on new seismic
techniques for detecting underground blasts suggested a, or contained
a section that suggested that there were muffling or decoupling techniques

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