

shows that 49.6 percent of all TIPI citizens fall

into these high~risk age groups.

In other words, nearly one-half of

Micronesia's population can be considered of special interest to health


planning because of the propensity of these persons to require certain
health services.

TableIV-5also shows that there are proportionately

more elderly persons residing in the outer islands and intermediate areas

than in the district and sub-district center.

At the same time, propor- ;

tionately more women of the prime child-bearing ages live in the district .

and sub-district centers than in the intermediate areas and outer islands.
Given this latter fact, it may seem surprising that all four geographic

subdivisions have relatively similar proportions of infants and children
among their populations.

This apparent discrepancy is explained by the

Fact that many district center women of child-bearing age send their chi ldren to live with relatives and friends in the other geographic Sub-areas
of Micronesia.

Figures IV-2b

and__IV-2c 5/ analyze the district center and outer

island populations in terms of age, as well as sex.

These two population

pyramids show that there is a much larger proportion of young adults of

both sexes aged 15-24 years living in the district centers than in the
outer islands.

This selective migration to the district centers from the

outlying areas of the Trust Territory, 1s probably due to the increased |

educational and vocational opportunities at the district centers, as well
as the attraction exerted by the "modern" amenities available in the district center.

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