


Population Trends and Projections
The population characteristics discussed above were extracted from



Owes Aner

data compiled in the TT Census of 1973, the Trust Territory's last offi- ;

cial population enumeration.

When they are compared with data contained

in the 1967 TTPI Census a number of Significant changes in the size, com-

position, and distribution of Micronesia's population become evident.


the following Section, we establish these population "trends" (changes


between 1967 and 1973), and use them to project plausible patterns of future

Our projections assune, of course, that the components of future

population growth wil] continue to closely approximate the rates existing

between 1967 and 1973. 7/

The left-hand side of TableIV-6

contains the 1967 and 1973, TTPI

citizen populations of each district, and shows the average annual growth
rate for each district, as calculated using a formula based on the principle

of compound interest.
The table shows that between 1967 and 1973 ficranesia's population
grew at a very hign rate (3.6 percent annually); if this rate of growth
continues, the population will double from 1973 levels by 1993--a period of
only twenty years.

This extremely high rate of growth 18 dus primarily to

high rates of "natural increase'--in other words, most areas of the TTPI
have high birth rates and low


death rates.

, which shows that all

This fact is reflected in

the districts of the Trust Territory,


Select target paragraph3