The cooperation of manyagencies and persons
was necessary to carry out these surveys successfully. The authors are deeply grateful to many
individuals, too numerous to name, for valuable

Manyofficials of the Atomic Energy Commis-

sion, particularly Dr. Charles L. Dunhan, Dr.

H.D. Bruner, and manyoftheirstaff of the Division of Biology and Medicine, where most helpful
in the coordination of arrangements wit: arious
governmental agencies.
Weare grateful to the officials of the Department of the Interior and particularly to the
Honorable D.D. Nucker, High Commissionerof
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and his

staff for their support and assistance in carrying
out the surveys. Others of the Trust Territory who
were particularly helpful include Mr. Maynard
Neas, District Administrator for the Marshall
Islands, and his assistant, Mr. William White, and

Mr. R.J. Umhoefer; also Dr. A. Hicking, Dr. John
Iaman, and Mrs. Ruth Martin of the Marshall

Operations furnished an LST, and Capt. HS.
Etter, (MC) USN, acted as Navalliaison officer

at Pearl Harbor.
At the Naval Medical Research Institute we are
deeply grateful to Comdr. I.V. King, (MSC)
USN,for his splendid assistance as Navyliaison
officer and to Capt. O.E. Van der Aue, (MC)

USN, Commanding Officer, for his support.
Lt. W.E. Lassiter, USN, and his officers and
crew of the Duval County (LST 758) were of great
assistance to the team on the 1959 survey. We are

also grateful to the Naval Support Activity at
Kwajalein for assistance in furnishing necessary
airlifts in the Marshall Islands and to Drs. W.W.
Fennel and W'S. Shippey of the Texas Transport
Company Hospital therefor their willing assistance.
We greatly appreciate the assistance of Mr.
Ernest Wynkoop and Mr. Ray Emmens, Office of
Test Operations, Atomic Energy Commission,
Eniwetok, and their staff and of the Holmes and

Narver Construction Co.in handling andstoring
of equipment.
Weare grateful to Major Kent T. Woodward,

Islands Memorial Hospital. The officers and crew
of the Trust Territory ship Rogue were most helpful during the 1960 survey.

(MC) USA, and his colleagues at the Walter Reed
Army Institute of Research for advice andassistance in radiochemical analysis of urine samples.

partments including Medical, Instrumentation


At Brookhaven National Laboratorycontributions were made by many individuals in many de-

and Health Physics, Photography and Graphic

Arts, the Shipping section, and others. Weare
grateful to the following people for their support
and advice: Dr. Leland J. Haworth, Director;
Dr. Lee E. Farr, Chairman of the Medical De-

partment, and others in this departmentincluding

Drs. D.D. Van Slyke, E.P. Cronkite, V.P. Bond,
J.S. Robertson, R.A. Love, and G.C. Cotzias, and

Mr. W.A. Finn, Mr. Clyde Sipe, and Mrs. L.M.
Tassinari. Also in the Medical Department we
appreciate the assistance of Mr. E-A. Gusmano
and Miss R.F. Straub in carrying out measurements and analysis of radionuclides and Mrs.
Helen L. Brown for secretarial assistance. In the
Instrumentation and Health Physics Department,
Dr. J.B.H. Kuper, Chairman, and Drs. R.L.
Chase, W. Higinbotham, and R.M. Sugarman
gave invaluable assistance in assembling and testing complex electronic equipment.
As in the past, the Departmentof Defense, particularly the Departmentof the Navy, contributed
most vitally to the missions. The Chief of Naval

1. Cronkite, E.P. et ar.. The Effects ofIonizing Radiation

on Human Beings: A Report on the Marshallese and Americans
Accidentally Exposed to Radiationfrom Fallout and a Discus-

sion of Radiation Inyury in the Human Being, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1956.

2. Bono, V.P., Conarp, R.A., RoBertson, J.S., AND

Wepen, E.A. Jr., Medical Examination ofRongelap People
Six Months After Exposure to Fallout, WT-937, Operation
Castle Addendum Report 4.1A, April 1955.

3. Cronxire, E.P., Dunnam, C.L., Grirrin, D., McPHERson, S.D., anD Woopwaro, K.T., Twelve-Month PostExposure Survey on Marshallese Exposed to Fallout Radtation, BNL 384 (T-71), August 1955.
4. Conarp, R.A., Hucerns, C.E., Cannon, B., Lowrey,

A., anD Ricnarps, J.B., /.A.M.A. 164, 1192-7 (1957).

5. Conarp, R.A., Meyer, L.M., Ratt, J.E., Lowrey,
A., Bacu, S.A., Cannon, B., Carter, E., Ercuer, M.,
AND Hecnter, H., March 1957 Medical Survey ofRongelap
and Uturik People Three Years After Exposure to Radtoactiwve
Fallout, BNL 501 (T-119), June 1958.
6. Conarn, R.A. er av., Medical Survey ofRongelap People,
March 1958, Four Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL

534 (T-135), May 1959.

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