to that of the phantom, which was countedfor 30
min (Figure 52).
In future whole-body counting of these people,
it will be possible, by counting for longer periods
and using an 8-in. Nal crystal, to improve the
absolute measurementof trace amounts of other
radionuclides that may be present.
Since a total of 227 Marshallese persons were
surveyed with the whole-body counter, in addition
to numerouscontrols, the spectral analyses were
performed with the aid of a 704 IBM computer.
Radiochemical Procedures

Twenty-four-hour urine specimens were collected in plastic bottles and sent to BNLfor radiochemical analysis. A modifica: »n of the method
of Farabee*°® was used for the analysis of Sr®°. Sr
was precipitated as the alkaline phosphate, ashed

with HNO, and H.O,, and dissolved tn dilute
HNO,,. After the solution was brought up toa
volume of 800 cc, the alkaline earths were com-

plexed with EDTA, and the pH was adjusted to
3.3. The solution was then passed through an ion

exchange column (Dowex-50 in the Na form),
and the column wasrinsed with 300 cc ofa solutron of 1% citric acid and 0.75% EDTAata pH of

3.0. The combined effluents contained >95% of
the total Ca. The column wasthen rinsed with 6

.V HNO,to remove the Sr°°. Carrier Sr was added

to the Sr*° fraction and precipitated with 70%
fuming HNO, Yttrium-90 was milked and counted
by the method of the AEC Health and Safety

The supernatant from the alkaline phosphate
precipitation was measured and divided into two
portions. One portion was scavangedfor cesium
with added carrier by means of a double precipitation of the aluminum sulfate and the chloroplatinate.*' The second portion was analyzedfor
K by flame spectrophotometry.
Food samples were weighed and dry-ashed in a
muffle furnace at 800°C. The ash was weighed,
and a small portion was counted for gross beta

activity. The ash was dissolved in dilute HNO,

and processed by the method described abovefor
urine analysis.

All counting was donein a low-level beta anticoincidencetype of counter, designed andbuilt at
BNL. Samples were mounted on glass fiber filter
discs with nylon rings and discs and Mylarfilm.
Samples were counted against NBS standards
processed and counted underidentical geometry.*'


All three of the above methods were used for
estimating the body burdens of gamma- andbetaemitting radionuclides in the Marshallese people.
Individual values for all the people examined in
1959 may be found in Appendix 7 for gamma
spectrographic analyses and in Appendix 8 for
radiochemical analyses.
Environmental Estimate

One method used (the least quantitative) was
the environmental estimate of body burden. The
environmental estimate of internally-deposited
Sr®° was madein two ways. In the first method,

animals subsisting on diets similar to humandiets
were sacrificed and their tissues were analyzed

radiochemically. A numberof rats were collected
on RongelapIsland at 2, 4, and 5 years after the
1954 accident. If the diet of these rats, primarily
land plants, was sufficiently similar to the diet of
humanbeings inhabitingthis area, the rat analyses might serve as indicators of the humaninternal
radiation contamination. The Sr*°/Caratios of
varioustissues of these rats were measured directly and comparedto theratios of the food andsoil
on Rongelap collected at the same time; thatis, the
environmental contamination was compared with
the directly measured contamination in animal
tissue. Extrapolation of the environmental data
gives the equilibrium value which can be expected, whereasthe direct measurement gives the
value at the time of measurement(and thusthe
percentof the equilibrium value for the individual

The Sr*°/Caratios for different plant foods on
Rongelapvaried greatly, and the diet of the rats
was too uncertain for an ‘‘average”’ diet to be assumed. Therefore, for a body burden estimateit
was necessary to use the Sr°°/Ca valuesofthe soil
The “strontium-calcium observed ratio” (OR)
of Comar‘** was used to denote the preferential
utilization of calcium in the following manner:
OR, mp: e-precursor —

Sr/Ca of sample
Sr/Ca of precursor

The Sr®° discrimination ratio in the chain from

soil (s) to bone (6) via plants ( #) can be expressed
as follows:

OR,.,=(OR,.,)(OR,.,) =(0.7)(0.25) =0.18 .

Select target paragraph3