used to supplement quantitative radiochemical
analytical procedures, and has madepossible very
rapid andpositive identification ofgamma-emitting
radionuclides. The principles of in vivo gamma
spectrometry as applied to human beings have
been previously described.*’
Thesteel room constructed at BNL in 1957 for
the Marshallese surveys has been described previously.® The “portable” 21-ton steel room, 5X5

100, Quartz Line Storage Pulse-Height Analyzer).
Two complete detectors and analyzers with the
necessary associated electronic circuitry were
taken along,since considerable difficulty had been
experienced during the previous year in maintaining the whole-body counting system operational under the conditions of tropical heat and
humidity. Housing of the electronic equipmentin
an air-conditioned, dehumidified room during

x 6-ft with 4-in.-thick steel walls, was used to

operation was of considerable assistance in main-

with a 7x8» 10-ft air-conditioned wooden room,

Since the principal photopeaks in these persons
were knownfrom the previous study to be due to

supply the required shielding (see Figure 49). This
steel room was mounted on a large trailer along
designed to house the electronic components of the
counter(see Figure 50). The trailer was mounted
on the tank deck of the Navy LST,and the sub-

jects to be counted were brought aboard up the
ship’s rampfrom the beach oneach islandvisited.
Also available on the tank deck were shower
facilities where each subject washed and then
changed into an uncontaminated papersuit to
avoid the possible risk of measuring any external
contamination that might be present.
A 3-in. NaI (TI) crystal (Harshaw) was placed
over the subject at a distance of 19 in. above the

apex of the chair (see Figure 51). The pulses from
the photomultiplier were fed into a linear amplifier (Cosmic Radiation Lab. Inc., Model 101), and
thence into a 100-channel analvzer (TMC-PA

Cs'3" and Zn*5, and since the levels were sufh-

ciently high, it was only necessary to count the
subjects for 5 or 10 min with the particular geometrical arrangementdescribed above. The data

were printed out on a papertape of a Victor add-

ing machine, and the tapes were returned to BNL
for analysis.

Analysis of Gamma-Ray Spectra

The quantitative interpretation of the gammaray pulse-height data for the discrete gamma
energies involved the graphical reduction of the

data. A typical spectrum of a Marshallese is shown
in Figure 52. The ordinate represents counts per

-20-kev pulse-height increment, and the abscissa
represents gammaenergy. In the graphicalstripping method emploved,** °° the activity of the

highest energy gamma-ray in the mixture, K*”
(1.46-Mev), is determined directly from the

cs'3” (0.66 Mev)

taining its stability.

ordinate valueofits total absorption peak. Then a

channel-by-channel subtraction ofthe distribution
et65 (Lt Mew) 4

1000 &

[00 F

corresponding to the abundanceofthis particular
gamma-rayor radionuclide is made from the spectrum. Whenthis subtraction is completed, the
concentration of the gamma-ray of the next
highest energy, Zn*® (1.14-Mev) can be estimated
from the ordinate value of its peak. The distribution corresponding to the concentration of the
second gamma-rayis then subtracted from theremaining distribution, and the process is continued
with Cs'*" (0.66-Mev) until all the three major

gamma-ray-emitting components have been deter- —






060 080



Figure 52. Gammaspectra of Marshallese male (subject
374, age 40, wt 70 kg - solid line) and normalized plastic
phantom (containing 0.64 nC Zn®, 1.22 uC Cs’3”, and
140 g K - dashedline), 1959.

This stripping processis illustrated on a spectrum of the plastic phantom containing known
amounts of K*°, Cs'*", and Zn® (Figure 53). It is
to be noted that at the concentrations used here
(approximately the mean concentrations found in
the Marshallese), the Compton contribution of

Select target paragraph3