



up through the holes and also between the hexagon faces,

There is some encouraging information on fuel elements which indicates
that a burn-up of 4000 megawatt days per ton is already attainable.


Shte one ot

predictions on economics generally assume 6000 to 7000 — they believe that
such burn-ups are approaching an economic asymptote,

Vee wee

We agree that the sodium-graphite reactor is in a relatively advanced
stage of development.

The 20 MW pilot plant is apparently big enough to answer

questions of engineering feasibility and of the probable economics of a large
commercial unit » and the development program which NAA hopes to prosecute on
it seems generally sound,

The present commitments for financing development

' work for the SRE design and especially during its subsequent operation seem
somewhat inadequate and might well be increased,
- -

_~-,We-see-no_sound technical reason for now telescoping a larger version of

So gD eee pa

the Sodium-Graphite reactor on the present 20 MW experiment.

However, if

another large demonstration reactor should be deemed essential at this time,
we believe that the Sodium-Graphite approach is the most suitable candidate

It would incorporate large-scale sodium technology in a commerical

power enterprise.

It is predicated on a considerable background of reactor

experience and detailed design studies and should, therefore, present fewer
highly questionable unknowns than most other possible competitors.

In our

judgement it is technically the most instructive approach which could result

in an operating plant within the next five years.

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