"Reactor-of-the-Year" concept.

Little attention was devoted to estimates of

future power costs since they are so dependent upon assumptions as to the

extent to which foreseeable technical obstacles can be surmounted,


pilot-plant experiments are on a scale adequate to provide the engineering
and design data needed to go ahead with a large-scale power producer,

We feel that our experiment at Oak Ridge of inviting top staff

from other projects to attend and freely discuss the presentation on individual

projects was definitely preductive and that such participation should be
fostered throughout the reactor program.

The resulting interchange of opinion ,

and experience, under conditions where salesmanship and promotion are minor
considerations, can benefit progress on each enterprise.


There are some indications that the reactor development projects

were not receiving direotly some pertinent information in reports from

‘prolictiastis sites (Hanford and Savannah River) which could be helpful
to their programs.

This may be correctable at the Division level in Washington.

Argonne is concentrating on small reactors and the immediate problems
which they present, believing that they can thus make their best contribution
to the immediate national program and to ultimate useful power.

Dr. Zinn

feels that commitment to a large commercial plant would impair their contribution by restricting freedom for trial and experimentation, and introducing
caution to assure meeting performance promises.

We agree with this general

philosophy for Argonne.




Select target paragraph3