to the


Washington 25, D. C.

November 5, 1954

Mr. Lewis L. Strauss, Chairman

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr. Strauss:

During its 42nd Meeting the General Advisory Committee considered
a suggestion that the Atomic Energy Commission confer an award on Enrice
Fermi for his contributions to the development of atomic energy. Provision for such awards is made in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Section

157, paragraph b(3), which reads in part:

"The Commission may also, upon

the recommendation of the General Advisory Committee, and with the approval of the President, grant an award for any especially meritorious

’ contributionfo=thse-development, use, or control of atomic energy."

The Committee wholeheartedly endorses the suggestion that such an
award be granted to Dr. Fermi, and hereby so recommends. This action,
a record of which will be found in the Minutes of the 42nd Meeting, was
taken on November 3, 1954, with the unanimous affirmative vote of all

members of the Committee,

We were advised that the award would include a citation, a medal,
and the sum of twenty~five thousand dollars.
Our advice was sought with regard to the phrasing of the citation.
Several suggestions were given to Dr. Libby at the time of the meeting.
Sincerely yours,

I. I. Rabi


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