

excreta of the Rongelap islanders,
water to be detectable,


It was too diluted in the sea-

Dr. Dudley mentioned that it has not been

looked for in the U.S,, but since there is not much fractionation a
‘proportionate amount has probably fallen out here.
According to Dr. Bugher, the Japanese fishermen had about the
Japanese same radioactivity ingestion as the Rongelap islanders, or a little
less, The acoumilation on their skin was about the same, but since
there was a longer contact time (ca. two weeks) more skin lesions

The death of one of the fishermen is believed to have been

due to infectious hepatitis resulting from the large number of small
blood transfusions.


Dr. Wigner asked if there was any new information on the radio-



Bugher said that this seemed to be a lesser hazard (by ca.

1/1000) than whole body exposure to gamma radiation.

It has not been

substantiated that such particles cause dung cancer.

In answer to a

question from Dr. Johnson, he said that strontium accumulates in the
bones and turns over very slowly unless there is extensive demineralization,

At 10:10 a.m. this part of the session was concluded, and the
visitors left.

In a very brief executive session there was further discussion
on what to say about the reactor school.

Dr. Johnson suggested that

Select target paragraph3