





activating a project on the sodium-heterogeneous design, said that
one year's work in an orderly fashion is better than a half year's
work on a crash basis.
At the end of this discussion on aircraft reactors, Mr. Whitman

reiterated his belief that the program should be thoroughly reviewed
again in about six months,
Dr. Hafstad next mentioned the new expanded power program as

one of the new things that were troublesome.
three more projects is being considered.

The addition of perhaps

A certain amount of expan-

sion is possible, but there is a limit on how far it would be profitable.

One of the problems is how to get industry into the picture,

One method is the "Duquesne approach", in which the AEC decides to
build a reactor and invites industry to bid in,

Another is for industry


from the AEC.

This is the "Reactor-of-the-Year" approach.

Six to

eight mill power with byproduct plutonium valued at $10/gram does not
provide enough incentive to attract private capital.

The government

rust feed in money somehow; the real question is how.

It would prob-

ably take about a $50/gram price on plutonium to make the picture
interesting to private capital.

In any case, to avoid "give-away"

charges, the AEC must keep its support very clean.

Dr. Rabi asked

if it would not be cleaner to make a direct subsidy; and several of
the GAC members seemed inclined to this view.

Dr, Hafstad indicated

Select target paragraph3