~14this period, and (2) at no place is the dose so high that it cannot
be protected against.

A frame house affords a protection factor of

about two, a basement about ten.
Dr. Scoville presented a table of estimated areas for various

doses in different types of terrain.

The extreme entries were as

follows for the integrated dose from a 15 MT shot at H } 2 days,
in rural

in epen


in average

in city

shelter in city
2100 eq.. mi.

205 r

8800 sq. mi,

7500 sq. mi.

630 r




The next effects item was atomic weapons for air defense.


& 2 KT burst at 40,000 ft the 2000 and 5000 rem radii are greater

than the maximum lethal gust radius.

The 2000 rem radius is about


yas—The relative contribution of nuclear radiation effects
changes markedly with altitude.

The preliminary estimates of effects

on ballistic missiles are discouragingly small,
For the next topic, Capt. John H. Lofland, USN, who was present

during part of Dr. Scoville's talk, discussed the WIGWAM test, planned
for the middle of May, 1955,

This wi

be an underwater effects test


at deep submergence.

A 31 KT

depth in 12,000 ft of water.

will be detonated at 2000 ft

The test will take place about 315 miles

west and southwest of San Diego.

Three submarines will be at 250 ft

depth in order to obtain information on maximum lethal range against

submerged targets (expected to be 6500-1e,000 ft).

These vessels will


Select target paragraph3